Behind the ideas, people

Mario Rullo Visual designer, art director and university lecturer in Communication design. He works in the field of Visual Design, particularly in the areas of Brand Image, Exhibit and Advertising.
He has designed significant projects for numerous national and international companies, including Mercedes-Benz, Leonardo company, ESA_European Space Agency, Lacoste, Valentino, Sharp, P&G Procter&Gamble and many others. He is professor of Visual Communication and coordinator of the master’s course in Systemic Design for Communication at ISIA Roma Design. He has also taught in the Graduate Course of Industrial Design at “La Sapienza” University, Rufa Rome University of Fine Arts and Isia Pescara Design. His projects are featured in numerous visual design publications and exhibited in international events. He has received several awards, including the honorable mention of the ADI Compasso d’Oro in 2018.

Mario Fois Visual designer, a graduate of ISIA Urbino, works in the various fields of visual communication such as branding, publishing, exhibition design, digital design, and retail design.
He has developed his interests in the field of information design and consulting to companies and institutions, collaborating in the conception of integrated communication projects.
He has carried out projects for many clients and institutions, both Italian and international, obtaining numerous awards and publications in industry magazines, including several for the ADI’ Compasso d’Oro.
He teaches graphic design and visual communication at ISIA Roma Design and Accademia Rufa and has taught at the University of Rome “La Sapienza,” ISIA Pescara and Pordenone.
He writes and collaborates with several magazines including Civiltà delle Macchine, Culture Digitali, Progetto Grafico, diid Disegno Industriale.