360° integrated media plans, traditional solutions (press, radio, TV) combined with new media (internet and social media), with all the tools necessary for the development of complete marketing strategies, seeking coherent, effective and distinctive solutions.nti, efficaci e distintive.
Communication Plan
Design Thinking

Dynamic and creative processes to strengthen brand identity and facilitate market affirmation. The right vision to develop a strong and effective communication or sales strategy oriented by Design through visual identity.
Corporate Identity
Logo Design
Type Design
Sound Design

Imagine design in the digital media environment as a pixel-oriented communication. Thinking about movement, creating a continuous transformation and declining the project on different supports and formats at the same time. Give life to a lively, suggestive and eclectic communication.
Motion Graphic
Web Design
Digital Advertising

Making complex topics easy, helping understanding by exploiting the different capacities of the mind. A cross-media visual approach to create projects ranging from the virtual (web and digital) to the physical (setting up architectural and exhibition spaces).
Information Design

Creating a visual identity by designing a dynamic coordinated image, helping companies and institutions to manage their communication as a constantly evolving system. Support, but not submit to, the incessant development of new technologies.
Corporate Identity
Logo Design

Creating ‘immersive’ stories by creating exhibitions or fairs through paths that develop in the physical space. Stage content and suggestions using traditional and digital communication techniques.

Designing magazines and publications by developing functional, clear, legible and at the same time unique projects. Creating printed matter in which texts and images and the paper itself produce a set of strong perceptual impact.
Book Design
Gestione redazionale

Indicating a road through traditional and digital orientation projects, built through signs and paths that express the identity of places and collective memory.
Segnaletica urbana
Spazi pubblici e commerciali

Imagine the user experience by evaluating all aspects of the interaction with the company, its services and products, to respond to the perceptual abilities of each person
Information Architecture
Test di usabilità

Carrying out advertising campaigns from the creative idea to the implementation of integrated strategies, including print, TV, radio, web, proposing them as an element of an overall strategy.
ADV media tradizionali
ADV Media digitali

Writing as a transversal element of every communication project, the word as an element to anchor the image to the desired meaning.
Article Marketing